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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Retrospective new year resolution

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I've come up with this concept of retrospective new year resolution. How it works - you wait for the end of the year, look back and see what you've accomplished and/or what you are proud of. Name those accomplishment your last year's resolutions. Pros: you can't fail your new year's resolutions.

As Steve Jobs said in his Stanford university commencement speech - "you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards" .
Or the concept is just another way of saying I'm too indecisive to make a New Year's resolution and I'll just go with the flow.

Here it goes , my 2014 new year's resolutions (all fulfilled):
Moved to another country - Complete my first ever Marathon (42 km) - Traveled to new continent (Africa) - Cycled from London to Paris - Signed up for Muay Thai classes (which I dread for a while) 

lol - yes it's for 2014 :)

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